Governmental Trial Balance Software
GOVwriter is a comprehensive governmental trial balance software application and financial statement drafting program designed to produce statements that are in accordance with current GASB standards.
  • Trial balance may be completed manually or by Excel import
  • Trial balance provides for both adjusting and modified to full accrual journal entries
  • Entity-wide eliminations
  • Revenue coding and budget amounts
  • Manual input/importable comparative period data for analytical review
  • Computes major fund status
  • Complete set of trial balance reports, including sorted and subtotaled by FS Description Codes (lead schedules)
  • File portability for field use and client data exchange
  • Copy/roll-forward feature retains all coding year-to-year
  • Accommodates an unlimited number of funds

CPA firm, Collaboration

Financial Statement Features
GOVwriter's unique, simple financial description building code function eliminates the need for complicated account building setups, and will be immediately usable for most applications with little or no set up. Almost all financial description coding is designed to be set up "on the fly". This coupled with its drag and drop functions and statement building windows, greatly reduces statement building time.
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  • Simply drag and drop trial balance amounts into statement lines
  • Creates all statements in compliance with current GASB standards
  • Creates all required statements except for cash flows
  • Provides for both classified and unclassified versions of statement of net assets
  • Produces combining statements for all non-major funds
  • Creates reconciliation between fund level and entity-wide statements
  • Provides various combining and revenue coding reports for internal use
  • Final export to Excel workbook for custom formatting, if desired
  • Unique hide/display of rows and columns in statement formatting function
  • Full set of diagnostics and spell check to reduce errors and GAAP departures

Time Saving Software
The most time savings comes from the program's roll copy/roll-forward function. This allows the user to roll forward all coding to future periods. When used with the system's import/overwrite feature, the only coding necessary in subsequent periods is for any new trial balance lines. This often reduces statement generation to a few minutes per fund.

System Requirements

Operating system*: Windows 7 or higher, Windows Server 2003 or higher
Minimum RAM: 1gb
Min Display: 1024 x 768

Current Pricing (Prices subject to change)
GOVwriter Application
Single entity / single user  $ 1162.00
Multiple entity / five user license $ 2014.00
Additional user licenses    
Five user license block $ 612.00
Annual renewal and support (not required for 1st yr):
Single entity renewal $ 859.00
Multiple entity renewal $ 1616.00
Five user license block $ 612.00
We will provide Limited IT support and Unlimited program user support.

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